The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union is implemented in Cyprus through the Strategic Plan for the Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2027, which has been prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development, and Environment and approved by the European Commission.
The total budget of the CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027 amounts to €454 million, of which €373 million comes from European contributions.
For the 2023-2027 programming period, the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development, and Environment has placed people at the heart of its strategic planning. This human-centered approach is particularly evident in the various interventions of the Plan and its overall philosophy. The Strategic Plan aims to create a robust primary sector that is ready to: respond to the concerns of producers and consumers, feed future generations, and protect the environment in which farmers should be able to operate harmoniously and respectfully.
Specifically, through the Strategic Plan 2023-2027, the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development, and Environment focuses on supporting structures that will bring farmers closer to consumers, thereby enhancing the immediacy of the relationship, which will foster mutual respect and understanding of needs and enable the recognition and reward of farmers' efforts. Additionally, the Strategic Plan aims to lay foundations that will help farmers respect the environment and produce goods in a way that preserves natural resources for future generations. At the same time, it aims to support farmers and livestock breeders who respect consumer health and use farming practices that ensure food safety, strictly adhering to practices that minimize the risk of chemical residue and the use of antibiotics in animals.
The Plan targets various categories of beneficiaries, including farmers, producer groups, businesses, individuals, local authorities, partnerships, government departments, and other organizations.