CAP after 2020

CAP after 2020

For the period 2021-27, the European Commission aims to modernize and simplify the Common Agricultural Policy. The new CAP will focus on social, environmental and economic goals and will be built around nine key objectives as presented below:

1) to ensure a fair income to farmers

2) to increase competitiveness

3) to rebalance the power in the food chain

4) climate change action

5) Efficient soil management

6) to preserve landscapes and biodiversity

7) to support generational renewal

8) vibrant rural areas

9) to protect food and health quality

Ensuring a fair income to farmers

EU farm income is still significantly below the average income of the economy. The new CAP aims to continue supporting farmers’ income with the aim of a fairer distribution of aid, support for small and medium-sized holdings and ensuring that only real farmers receive income support.

Increasing competitiveness

Demand for agricultural products is constantly increasing due to both the demographic development of the EU and the utilization of products in the manufacturing sector. The new CAP aims to increase the productivity and competitiveness of EU agriculture in the current environment of increased demand and volatile climate.

Rebalancing the power in the food chain

Agriculture offers around 43 million jobs across the EU, but remains low in the value chain. The new CAP aims to strengthen the position of farmers through the strengthening of collaborations between farmers, the development of production models based on market needs, the strengthening of innovation and transparency in the market.

Climate change action

12% of all greenhouse gas emissions across the European Union comes from agricultural holdings. The new CAP aims to encourage the fulfillment the commitments of the Paris Agreement with an even greater emphasis on environmentally friendly methods of producing agricultural and livestock products.

Efficient soil management

Soil, water and air are perhaps the most important natural resources for agriculture as well as for sustainable development. The New CAP aims to effectively manage natural resources by preserving the EU's carbon-rich soils, improving water quality and crop rotation.

Preserving landscapes and biodiversity

Biodiversity is one of the key players in the agricultural sector, being part of production. In recent years, biodiversity of agricultural land across the EU has been affected. The new CAP aims to protect biodiversity and conserve habitats and natural landscapes by supporting farmers in biodiversity conservation and Member State responsibility for the use of CAP funds in conjunction with EU biodiversity legislation.

Supporting generational renewal

In the EU, farmers under the age of 35 make up a very small percentage of the total population (around 5%). The EU needs a promising and dynamic agricultural sector. The aim of the New CAP is to attract new generations to agriculture by encouraging the guiding of young farmers from more experienced ones, enhancing the transfer of knowledge from generation to generation and making a specific percentage of direct payments available only to young farmers.

Vibrant rural areas

Rural areas cover 47% of the EU area, hosting 19% of the total population. However, the gap between urban and rural areas remains very large. The aim of the New CAP is to continue its contribution in the development of rural areas through the promotion of employment, social inclusion and economic growth.

Protect food and health quality

One of the historic goals of the CAP is to provide quality agricultural products to EU citizens. Animal welfare and farming methods are directly related to product quality. The New CAP foresees an agricultural sector that meets the requirements for safe, quality and nutritious products produced with respect for the consumer, natural resources and animals.